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Oct 14, 2008

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Locale: pa
Mon May 26, 2008 7: 33 am    Post subject: cramping...
I am sure this topic has been conquered to casualty but I have yet to find relief in any of the suggestions.
I have read about the dreaded leg cramps and I do have these SOMEHWAT but what is really bothering is arm cramps. I can only depict it as it feels as though my arms are not long enough for my body and all I can do is keep stretching them. I think they are the same thing as the leg cramps. LIke most of what I read it seems to happen as soon as I start drifting off to sleep, wakes me up. I haven ' t slept in a few days. I just recently made 30 days on this WOL and while I love everything about it, this one little problem is turning into a nightmare and I am considering quitting after 3 full nights of not sleeping.
I have tried potassium. I have been taking it all along and as the problem progressed I was taking up to 8 99 ' s a day and still nothing. I arranged my whole menu to work in foods full of potassium. I included magnesium. I stretch before reinforcement. I only had one night of rest and that day I drank a glass of a milk and ate a banana out of desperation but i would really hate to have to continue doing that.
Any other suggestions? The only other thing I have read is cutting out aspratame drinks, which I just looked and I have been drinking pepsi max which does admit aspartame. I was previously drinking pepsi one which I think is Splenda sugar-coated. So I am starting to think there might be something to this guys suggestion however he didn; t cover any information as to why this may work. I don; t have a problem switching to Pepsi One instead other than it is much harder to find so I admit I have been buying the max out of laziness.
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Mon May 26, 2008 7: 46 am    Post subject:
for starters, i am not a big follower of pepsi or any artificially syrupy drinks.
back to the point, though... if your arm cramps are at their worst during nocturnal hours, I would suggest plenty of kind stretching 30 daily before sleep. Also, try and sleep on your back with your arms fully extended to your sides ( like a petulant ) for maximum blood flow. if you sleep on your sides, and forasmuch as prevent full circulation of blood to your arms, this may cause cramping and be the culprit.
Finally, milk and banana ' s are not allowed on the diet. I would try a herbal tea before bedtime, as the warmth will help you fall asleep. Plus, camomile and valerian teas have anesthetic properties that help you relax and fall asleep. you could also place a few drops of pure lavender oil on your pillow, which also has sedative effects on the body.
good luck [ / icon_cool. gif]
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Tue May 27, 2008 4: 49 am    Post subject: hmm
hey. thanks for your time and suggestions. i appreciate it.
although, it isnt so much the falling asleep i need help with. its the excruciating pain im looking to lessen. and i know milk and bananas are not allowed, lol. my point is they seem to be the only things that work and i am looking for a better alternative.
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Tue May 27, 2008 6: 41 am    Post subject:
yes, i understand, i was trying to suggest things for the cramps / pain ( i. e. stretching and sleeping positions ) and suggest things to relax your mind / body that will help you fall asleep and stay asleep ( i. e. teas and aromatherapy ). i also suggested you remove artificially sweetened drinks.
take it as you wish.
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Tue May 27, 2008 6: 49 am    Post subject: well
while the diet colas may cause stalls in some, i am steadily losing a pound a day while drinking them. however, i am really really starting to think that is exactly what is causing the cramps and you are exactly right.
trying it tomorrow. i really hope thats what it is because i would hate to quit after making so much progress.
tonight i tried everything i found online, salt under the [ / icon_tongue. gif], mustard ( gross ), calcium, potassium, magnesium AND i drank a glass of milk and did 100 calf raises. I can tell before I even try to lay down i am already in pain.
anyway, i wasn ' t trying to argue with you. i ' m sorry, i am probably a little on edge from not sleeping for 4 days. i was being sincere when i said i appreciated your ideas. i actually did try the sleeping position last night. sigh. i guess if the soda doesn ' t help I am going to have to go seee the doctor. I am really desperate to try to make this diet work.
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Wed May 28, 2008 2: 05 pm    Post subject: welll
one day with no aspatarame. first day i slept well in a week.
i was willing to defend my diet cola drinking to the end but as it turns out, i was wrong.
for anyone suffering cramps not easing up with potassium etc, please read up on aspartame. i am convinced it is poison now.

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