Atkins Diet: Nutrition & Healthy Food are key components in the Atkins Weight Loss Programs, resulting in natural weight loss through a customized weight.Info on the Atkins Diet to give you a basic understanding about how the diet works, including descriptions of the Atkins phases, food lists, pros and cons.Atkins diet and low carbohydrate diet resources for all low carb diet plans: Research, recipes, information, support forums, tools and tips for all low carb

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Oct 14, 2008

daughter on atkins
New Member
Joined: 24 May 2008
Posts: 4
Sat May 24, 2008 12: 27 am    Post subject: daughter on atkins
my 18 year old daughter just started atkins on Monday, so it has only been a few days, and coed feels thta skirt has gained weight. Queen has stayed under the 20 carbs but may havenot eaten all the veggies piece should. My question is did anyone gain weight at first. Over the past few months before starting Atkins she really had cut her calorie intake. S
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Joined: 09 Dec 2007
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Location: North Carolina
Mon May 26, 2008 6: 30 pm    Post subject:
Has she weighed herself? You will only know for sure if you actually weight, but in answer to your question, since shd did watch her calorie intake before then it is possible for her to gain before losing.

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