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Oct 14, 2008

Is this an OK day??
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Tue May 06, 2008 8: 14 pm    Post subject: Is this an OK day??
I was just wondering if someone could have a look at my meals for today and tell me if it ' s ok please? I went off track at the weekend and I ' m trying to make a definite crack to lose what I gained ( 3lbs ) so any feedback would be great.
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs
Dinner: 8 slices of wafer thin ham ( about 0. 3g carbs ), 185g salad ( lettuce and cucumber ), 2oz cheese ( 1oz cheddar, 1oz brie ) 30g of brussels pate ( 0. 3g carbs )
Tea: red pepper and asparagus ( combined weight 100g ), 2oz ricotta, chicken fried in extra virgin olive oil ( garlic infused. no carbs ).
Snack: 4 strawberries and double cream ( 0. 8g carbs )
Drinks: 5 litres of water, 1 litre of Diet Coke ( I just can ' t give it up!! )
I know I ' m not meant to have strawberries yet but it was so hot and [ / icon_sunny. gif] face today and they were on offer at the supermarket... and I gamble even Dr Atkins loved a good bargain [ / icon_rolleyes. gif]
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Tue May 06, 2008 9: 01 pm    Post subject:
Drop for strawberries ( [ / icon_exclaim. gif] ) your menu looks OK. Technically, ricotta is also not allowed on Induction, but it ' s a really minor thing.
Only. 8 g in strawberries? must have been really small ones...
Are you sure you are counting your carbs correctly? remember, that in Europe you don ' t subtract fiber, it ' s already subtracted. On our labels, total carbs equal net.
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Tue May 06, 2008 9: 24 pm    Post subject:
I meant 0. 8g in the cream not strawberries. I ' ll donate the rest of my strawberries to a beggarly house mate [ / icon_sad. gif]
I didn ' t realise ricotta wasn ' t allowed. Can it upset my progress if I don ' t cut it out?
What do you mean by counting my carbs correctly? I weigh / measure out the portion or per serving size given on the package and the go by the carbs it goves. Is that the wrong way of doing it? I feel all confused. I don ' t know what I ' m doing!
Tomorrows menu is:
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs.
Dinner: chicken mayo with lettuce and cheese
Tea: chicken and bacon with cajun spice, salad and cheese.
Is that any better? Is cream ok? Can I have a spoonful?
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Concrete May 07, 2008 7: 53 am    Post subject:
check your mayo freight... a lot of euro versions incluse sugar / corn syrup in the the ingredients, which is a no - no.
its super easy to make your own mayo and it tastes better, too. one egg and a bunch of oil - - whipped. you can even add garlic / mustard / herbs / chili to add extra flavour. Yum. [ / icon_cool. gif]
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Incorporate May 07, 2008 7: 55 am    Post subject:
Good menus!
And yes, you can have two or three tablespoons of light or heavy cream per day.
Ricotta is a fresh cheese, and should be kept out of your diet until you reach the Ongoing Weight Loss stage and get to that rung of the carbohydrate ladder.
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Copulate May 07, 2008 6: 33 pm    Post subject:
hmmm so ricotta ' s out as well... I ' ll get the a hang of this soon! Are cheese ropes ok? It says ' trace ' for carbs n if the packaging is to be believed it ' s 100 % cheese.
Oooh I ' ll double check my mayo as well... Might try makin my own, although me being me it could all go horribly wrong!
Another question, As discussed before on here my thirstiness os a bit out of control ( have had glucose tests and expecting results tomorrow ) but today I ' ve had 6 litres of water, and could, and probably will, drink loads more! Is this normal? I know on atkins we ' re meant to guzzle, guzzle, guzzle, but I ' m going to drink us all dry! Also, It ' s making me feel really bloated. Am I overdoing it on the water??
Thanks for all the wise words and advice. I ' m hopeless!!
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Bracket May 07, 2008 6: 51 pm    Post subject:
Ofttimes, I am the first one to tell you that the more water the better. But honestly, 6 litres sounds kind of extreme... Tests were definitely in rule!
If tests show no diabetes - ish issues ( fingers crossed! ), talk to your doctor about the thirst. Could be a symptom of something else. And make sure to watch your electrolytes, with this amount of water it ' s likely you might go low on both sodium AND potassium - not good. You may need an extra supplement or * gulp * less water... [ / icon_wink. gif]
Let us know how the tests went!
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Clip May 07, 2008 7: 05 pm    Post subject:
Along with with Bluehex said, you should mention to your doctor how many carbs you are taking in each day. That can affect the results of your test, and mouse or he will want to take that into invoice.
Atkins is great for people in pre - diabetes. It can reverse it. ( It did for me. ) But if you do have diabetes, you need to work closely with your doctor on your food and exercise plan. A lot of diabetics do great on Atkins, but keep your doctor informed.
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Mate May 07, 2008 10: 13 pm    Post subject:
Thanks for the advice, it was wheresmycoat who first told me I should make an appointment so if they find something I owe him / her ( just realised I ' m not sure, sorry! ) a lot of thanks!
And also, one more silly question before reinforcement, is flavoured water ok?
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Adhere May 07, 2008 11: 06 pm    Post subject:
There are lots of different kinds of flavored water. Many of them are fine.
Check the carb count on the label and make sure it is saccharine with sucralose or Splenda, not aspartame. The nutrition label should say 0 carbs. If it says <1 per serving, and it ' s a 20 ounce bottle, you could be getting as many as 2. 25 carbs per bottle.
One thing: some people with high insulin resistance find that their weight loss is stalled by anything that tastes sweet, even if it ' s carb - free. Their insulin level in the blood respond as if it ' s expecting sugar. That ' s just something to watch out for.
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Annex May 07, 2008 11: 39 pm    Post subject:
You are full off some amazing info! I ' ll definitely try and cut out all sweet things for the next few weeks then. Thanks!
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Thu May 08, 2008 4: 22 am    Post subject:
Heyla - its my pleasure to help. Let us know how you do on the blood tests. My fingers are crossed that you are A - OK with great health.
Definitely try the mayo - - it will turn out great. Just keep whipping it REAL FAST as you SLOWLY rain in the oil. Tastes delicious. Side benefit: killer biceps. [ / icon_cool. gif]
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Thu May 08, 2008 1: 44 pm    Post subject:
heyla44 wrote:
And also, one more silly question before block, is flavoured water ok?
Pretty much all of the 4C ToGo products are carb free and saccharine with Splenda. These are the packets you mix with water, stay away from the big canisters. Splenda also makes a product called flavor accents, which is the same thing. You dump a package into a bottle of water.
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Thu May 08, 2008 6: 37 pm    Post subject:
I use the Splenda flavor packets that emomoney described. It takes two packets to flavor a 20 oz bottle of water unless you want just a hint of flavor.
I also use Lipton Sugar - Free White Tea To Go and Green Tea To Go. They are also sweetened with Splenda, and require only one packet per bottle. They also seem to have less fillers like dextrose and maltodextrine, so that would make them slightly lower - carb. ( All of them are close to zero carb, though. ) The Lipton packets also have healthy additives like white tea and green tea powder.
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Thu May 08, 2008 7: 38 pm    Post subject:
I didn ' t want to suggest the Lipton Green Tea flavors as I didn ' t know how much caffeine they contain. But I do love the Mango and Mandarin. I don ' t like any of them too sweet, I just use 1 packet for a litre of water.
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Thu May 08, 2008 11: 29 pm    Post subject:
Lipton Tea? That sounds good. Although I ' m really limited in my shopping choices at the minute because I ' m stuck on campus revising for my finals and there ' s only one shop... but I ' ll see what it has to offer in that respect.
On a controversial note, Sugar free Red Bull, yay or nay? It ' s got no carbs or sugar ( and it boosts your metabolism ) but is packed with caffeine and taurine and other fine man made chemicals. The reason I ask is because I revise for long periods of time, up to 14 hours, and Red Bull gives me a bit of a badly needed boost. Is it Atkins suicide? It has Aspartame in, have I read somewhere that that ' s bad?
Carbonated Water, Acidity Regulator ( Sodium Citrates ), Taurine ( 0. 4 % ), Glucuronolactone ( 0. 24 % ), Sweeteners ( Acesulfame K, Aspartame ), Caffeine ( 0. 03 % ), Inositol, Vitamins ( Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, B6, B12 ), Flavourings, Thickener ( Xanthan Gum ), Colours ( Caramel, Riboflavin ).
Go on, tell me it ' s baaad!!
Last edited by heyla44 on Thu May 08, 2008 11: 33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Thu May 08, 2008 11: 33 pm    Post subject:
wheresmycoat wrote:
Definitely try the mayo - - it will turn out great. Just keep whipping it REAL FAST as you SLOWLY pour in the oil. Tastes delicious. Side benefit: killer biceps. [ / icon_cool. gif]
Lol, I tried... and it went horribly wrong. It didn ' t thicken or anything. It was just oily egg. [ / icon_rolleyes. gif]
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Thu May 08, 2008 11: 57 pm    Post subject:
I wouldn ' t recommend the sugar - free Red Bull, since the whole point of it is to load you up with caffeine.
I have a diet Coke now and then, and iced tea, both of which contain caffeine, but I wouldn ' t go out of my way to get more caffeine. A little may be good for you. But having a lot is definitely not good for you.
Dr Atkins advised against aspartame, but said both saccharin and sucralose ( Splenda ) are ok.
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Fri May 09, 2008 6: 21 am    Post subject:
heyla44 wrote:
wheresmycoat wrote:
Definitely try the mayo - - it will turn out great. Just keep whipping it REAL FAST as you SLOWLY pour in the oil. Tastes delicious. Side benefit: killer biceps. [ / icon_cool. gif]
Hmm.... practice makes perfect? Make sure you whip fast and pour slow and try and use a handmixer if it helps. Jamie Olivier didnt become a culimary genius overnight! [ / icon_cool. gif] Don ' t give up!!
Lol, I tried... and it went horribly wrong. It didn ' t thicken or anything. It was just oily egg. [ / icon_rolleyes. gif]
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Sat May 10, 2008 9: 39 pm    Post subject:
nah, seriously, I think I need some serious practise. I tried making a cake for my boyfriend on Valentine ' s day and it actually exploded in the oven! That ' s how bad I am!!
Another question...
What ' s the general consensus on laxatives? I ' ve taken them twice since I started because I wasn ' t ' regular ' ( as they say ) and it actually started hurting. I use Ex - lax. Is this bad and counter - productive? Most things I do seem to be...
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Sun May 11, 2008 5: 59 am    Post subject:
honestly, stay clear of laxatives.... they will muck up your digestive tract! please make sure you exercise ( my fav is just plain old walking - at a fast pace, of course - for 45 minutes ). If you exercise EVERY DAY and drink your water you will have bowel movements. I promise.
Of course, you will not poop as often as you would on a high - carb diet because there is less fiber / roughage in your body.
Another option is to boost your fibre. Flaxseed helps as do physillium husks, which have negligavle carbs.
Good luck [ / icon_cool. gif]
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Mon May 12, 2008 7: 17 pm    Post subject:
The safest way to avoid constipation is the eat a variety of veggies every single day. And like wheresmycoat said, psyllium husks do the trick. Watch out for the brands that are sweetened and flavored, though. They add a lot of carbs.
There ' s a brand of fiber drink mix called Kellogg ' s All Bran Fiber Drink Mix that has lots of fiber and is sweetened with sucralose. I can ' t find it where I live, but it would be a convenient option to build up your fiber.
Long term constipation is very bad for you, so be sure you get enough fiber on a daily basis. Chronic constipation can lead to diverticulosis, hemmorhoids, and polyps. Plenty of water, exercise and fiber will help you avoid it.
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Mon May 12, 2008 11: 03 pm    Post subject:
Yeah, I was going to look for some of that fibre powder stuff next time I went in to town. I see if I find anything good. What ingredients / brands should I avoid if I can ' t find the one you ' ve recomended?
Also, has anyone got any advice about cravings? I haven ' t had any at all since I started and then suddednly today I would quite happily chop my arm off for some caramel. I think it ' s because I ' m heading towards that time of the month, which I usually spend with my good friends Ben n Jerry. So I don ' t really know how to combat it. Do I just ignore the pangs and hope they go away?
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Mon May 12, 2008 11: 11 pm    Post subject:
wait it out. studies say that a craving lasts only 20 minutes. it could also be psychological, so re - train your brain to get the same pleasure sensation out of eating low - carb foods. if you really need something sweet, whip up some cream and add splenda and cinnamon - - or a few drops of lemon, for a low - carb treat.
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Tue May 13, 2008 6: 00 pm    Post subject:
Pfft I wish my cravings only lasted 20mins. I swear these things are written by men, and what do they know?!
OK, ready for another stupid question?
Is the cream you put in your coffee the same as what you ' d put on apple pie? Like, can I just put some elmlea in my coffee?
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Tue May 13, 2008 7: 14 pm    Post subject:
yes, indeed. check the carb count - - should be about 2. 6 grams per 100 ml. i always go for the heavy stuff ( double cream / jersey cream ) but single or whipping are fine, too.
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Tue May 13, 2008 7: 16 pm    Post subject:
Woo - hoo. I shall be investing in some of that then!
I now think I may have used up all my stupid questions... [ / icon_rolleyes. gif]
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Tue May 13, 2008 7: 17 pm    Post subject:
no worries. tomorrow is another day. [ / icon_cool. gif]
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Tue May 13, 2008 8: 56 pm    Post subject:
Thought of another one...
So, someone was just telling me that if you ' re on a low - carb diet for a few weeks and then you switch to a low fat diet you lose weight because it shocks your body or something. Is that ridiculous?
Also, is twinings apple and blackcurrant herbal tea ok because I just bought some.
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Wed May 14, 2008 10: 54 am    Post subject:
Just got my tests back, no diabetes for me!
[ / icon_biggrin. gif]
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Wed May 14, 2008 1: 31 pm    Post subject:
that ' s brilliant news heyla! [ / icon_biggrin. gif]
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Wed May 14, 2008 1: 41 pm    Post subject:
Thats great news [ / icon_smile. gif]
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Wed May 14, 2008 6: 23 pm    Post subject:
Thanks guys!
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Wed May 14, 2008 6: 28 pm    Post subject:
good stuff and very happy that you ruled that out. [ / icon_cool. gif]

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