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Oct 14, 2008

Soy Milk on Induction?
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Mon Jul 21, 2008 4: 52 pm    Post subject: Soy Milk on Induction?
I was in the store yesterday and there was a great soy milk product called 8th Continent with only 3 Carbs per serving. I THINK it may have been carbs from sugar, maybe? I don ' t recall because I didn ' t think of that til today... But My question is... are soy milks and other soy products okay for induction or are they a no?
The added sugar thing... I ' m constantly seeing mentions of it. Have I read over and forgotten some rule about " NO ADDED SUGAR IN ANYTHING!! "?
lol I probably have. I ' m avoiding sugar currently but just want to know....
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Mon Jul 21, 2008 4: 54 pm    Post subject:
The concern of Dr. A is that things with direct sugars repeatedly hit people right away and cause cravings.
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Mon Jul 21, 2008 6: 13 pm    Post subject:
So should the soy milk be a no - no if it has 2 - 3 g of added sugars? How can I tell if it ' s added and not natural sugar?
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Mon Jul 21, 2008 6: 18 pm    Post subject:
I think your missing what his concern was... its not that the carbs are necessarily going to kick you out of ketosis because they are sugar, its two fold.
Number 1: the serving size is small, hard to stay with just the 3 carbs.
Number 2: The odds it will push you to add a bit more or to go for something else sweet is the concern.
Not exactly how many carbs it has when it comes to things that first off haev added sugar, more the instant insulin impact which causes some people to crack.
ON this aspect, its a mental thing.
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Mon Jul 21, 2008 6: 20 pm    Post subject:
8oz sounds great till you rain it.
Personally I won ' t buy anything that i might LIKE.. but that has a lot of carbs if I cant keep the servings down.
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Mon Jul 21, 2008 6: 55 pm    Post subject:
But I / can / limit my serving size. The irregular milk would be a boon to me. I don ' t mind 8 oz at a time. I actually have been conscious of serving sizes for a long time. I ' ve been eating small, frequent meals for years and I use 8 ounce glasses.
So if I count the carbs, can I drink that soy milk on induction? I would use it occasionally. Should I try it an check ketones the next day?
Thanks Kyp!
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Mon Jul 21, 2008 7: 01 pm    Post subject:
But I / can / limit my serving size. The intermittent milk would be a boon to me. I don ' t mind 8 oz at a time. I actually have been conscious of serving sizes for a long time. I ' ve been eating small, frequent meals for years and I use 8 ounce glasses.
So if I count the carbs, can I drink that soy milk on induction? I would use it occasionally. Should I try it an check ketones the next day?
Thanks Kyp!
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Mon Jul 21, 2008 9: 27 pm    Post subject:
The most basic rule of Induction is this... do not eat anything but the foods on the list.
Is soy milk on the list?
Here is one of the FAQ from the Atkins website:
" If I stay at 20 grams of Net Carbs a day, why can ' t I have some in the form of a slice of whole grain bread or even a peanut butter cup, which has 20 grams of carbs?
There are two reasons this approach won ' t work. For one, all carbohydrates are not created equal. The Atkins Nutritional Approach is designed to prevent blood sugar levels from spiking and causing the overproduction of insulin—a hormone that helps convert carbohydrates to body fat. The first carbohydrates you need to add back to your diet when you move beyond Induction are more vegetables, then seeds and nuts, then berries and then—if you are still losing—legumes and grains. Even bread made from 100 percent whole - wheat flour contains enough refined carbs to produce this insulin - raising, fat - storing effect in many people. Later, if your weight loss is progressing well and you have increased your daily carb intake, you may eat an occasional slice of whole grain bread. As for the 20 - gram peanut butter cup, it contains a lot of sugar—not to mention artery - clogging hydrogenated fat and sugar is the worst kind of carbohydrate.
Secondly, the Atkins approach is not about rapid weight loss—it ' s about learning to eat a variety of nutrient - dense carbohydrates for the rest of your life. These are foods that are packed with the most antioxidant vitamins and healthful phytochemicals relative to the amount of carbohydrates—so you ' re getting the most bang for your carbohydrate buck. Once you ' ve reached your goal weight and established your personal Atkins Carbohydrate Equilibrium ( ACE ), most people can enjoy whole - grain bread, fruit and even the occasional plate of french fries. Unfortunately, that conventional peanut butter cup just doesn ' t make the grade! "
I wouldn ' t add it to your Induction, but later on in OWL you might try it. None of the lists for Induction, OWL or pre - maintenance phases has soy milk on it... or even tofu or edemame. I found soy milk listed in the carb counter section of my 2003 edition of Atkins Eating For Life book. On the Atkins ' site they have tofu in the online carb counter. There ' s not enough protein in the liquid for it to count as a protein source.
Once you ' re out of Induction an into OWL you can try adding soy milk... I wouldn ' t add it first though. Since soy is a legume, you might want to wait until later in OWL. But it ' s up to you.
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Mon Jul 21, 2008 9: 30 pm    Post subject:
Hi there arsieiuni ~ I would love to be able to drink milk again. A nice big glass of cold milk. I tried soy milk once and I hated it ( not when I wad doing low carb ). I once was drinking this product which was Atkins approved. It was called carb countdown ( milk and chocolate milk ) and it had the atkins seal of approval but they changed the name to calorie countdown and took off the seal of approval when Atkins went bankrupt or something like that but its the exact same thing. I honestly thought this tasted better than milk. I don ' t know though if this might affect your weight loss or anything like that so please check it out before you buy it / try it. I can ' t wait to get some but I ' m going to wait until I am closer to my ideal weight.
http: / / livinlavidalocarb. blogspot. com / 2006 / 07 / hood - carb - countdown - now - calorie. html
http: / / www. hphood. com / promos / caloriecountdown / default. aspx? id=1494
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Mon Jul 21, 2008 9: 49 pm    Post subject:
Thanks! You have convinced me not to try the soy milk just now.
I will stick to the food list. I hadn ' t realized just how important it was to not stray from that list but I get it now I think. [ / icon_smile. gif]
I ' m sorry. I don ' t mean to be so dense about it!
That looks great! Maybe once I hit later stages I can try it! [ / icon_smile. gif]
Thanks all of you so much for your help in resolving this problem! I wanted milk somehow but losing weight is worth the wait! lol
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Sat Jul 26, 2008 9: 22 pm    Post subject: SOY SLENDER
Here is a link to a 1 carb Soy Milk and there are no carbs from sugar and it is sweetend with Splenda I think. So I think you may be safe drinking this on induction
http: / / www. westsoy. biz / products / slender. php

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