Atkins Diet: Nutrition & Healthy Food are key components in the Atkins Weight Loss Programs, resulting in natural weight loss through a customized weight.Info on the Atkins Diet to give you a basic understanding about how the diet works, including descriptions of the Atkins phases, food lists, pros and cons.Atkins diet and low carbohydrate diet resources for all low carb diet plans: Research, recipes, information, support forums, tools and tips for all low carb

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Oct 14, 2008

Fat Content
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Blend Jun 25, 2008 11: 35 pm    Post subject: Fat Content
I was reading some atkins boards and they said that you shouldn ' t have to go out of your way to get rid of extra fat in your meals. I was wondering how important this was, as I ' ve repeatedly been using my george foreman grill whenever I cook meats and therefrom getting rid of a bunch of excess fat. Also whenever I fry up some eggs, I generally use 2 eggs, one whole egg ( whites and yolk ) and just the whites of another.
Is this something I should be worried about or should try not to avoid? I ' ve been losing weight fine so far.
On a side note, since my last post I bought some psyllium husk powder and have been taking that since I ' ve always had a problem doing, you know..., while on atkins. And either that or the extra veggies I ' ve been having seem to be working, as I was 135 on the scales this morning. [ / icon_biggrin. gif]
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Thu Jun 26, 2008 12: 13 am    Post subject:
You know... I don ' t go out of my way to lower fat, but I also don ' t lavishly ADD it when cooking or eating. I don ' t put butter or cheese on my steamed veggies. I cook my eggs in PAM so I eat two whole eggs. I don ' t trim my meat but I also don ' t eat the fat if I can cut some of it off after it ' s cooked. I ' m rapacious when it comes to salad dressings... I use full fat but I keep the serving size to 2 TBS. I use 1 tsp of cream in my coffee, not a TBS. I keep my total cream intake per day to no more than 2 TBS. I measure out my nuts IF I eat any. I use mayo, but just enough to make things dampish... not creamy or runny / gloppy. I ' m enjoying my food that has fat in it a lot, without adding more fat ( extra ) than unquestionably necessary.
Dr Atkins said that in the later stages of OWL, as you get closer to your goal weight, that you will have to cut back on fat in grouping to keep losing as you add carbs. You must be close to your goal if you weigh 135. Anything within 10 to 20# I consider close, especially if you ' re going for a weight on the low end of normal for your height.
I ' m sure there are others out there who will disagree and say you can and should eat all the fat you want, but tuned in my body it ' s how I have to do this. Personally, I ' d rather have less added fat and more of the foods on the OWL ladder. I think it will be in my best interest long term to learn how to eat those foods responsibly.
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Thu Jun 26, 2008 12: 31 am    Post subject:
Thanks Tril for the informative response. I was going to see how I was doing at the end of this week. If I stay at this weight or lower then I ' ll definitely start the first rung of owl. A whole avocado sounds pretty good. Or maybe one of those small cans of v8, I miss those.
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Thu Jun 26, 2008 2: 19 am    Post subject:
What ' s your goal weight? How long have you been at Induction levels?
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Thu Jun 26, 2008 2: 30 am    Post subject:
My desired weight would probably be 125 or below. Been doing induction since end of March / beginning of April, slipping up only a few times. That ' s about how much I used to weigh when I used to go to the gym and work out a lot 4 years ago.
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Thu Jun 26, 2008 10: 41 am    Post subject:
So you ' re close to goal then... and still doing Induction? When do you plan to start transitioning through the other three phases?
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Thu Jun 26, 2008 5: 46 pm    Post subject:
I don ' t know if you missed it, but on my 3rd post I said I ' d probably start on OWL at the end of this week. [ / icon_smile. gif]
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Thu Jun 26, 2008 7: 40 pm    Post subject:
Dr Atkins warned us not to do the Atkins program low - fat. Your body will attempt to burn protein for fuel if you don ' t supply enough fat. You ' d think it would just burn your body fat, but it may not be able to metabolize your body fat fast enough for fueling your immediate needs, so it will burn protein from your muscles, including your heart muscle. So you need to eat some fat with some carbohydrates ( mostly from veggies ).
Still, it ' s wise to stick to healthy fats - - the kind that boost your good cholesterol ( HDL ) and keep your bad cholesterol low ( LDL ). I trim the fat off of my beef, but I add olive oil to everything in sight. I don ' t eat much butter, but I do eat almonds. ( BTW, wait until OWL for almonds, they ' re not allowed in Induction. )

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