Atkins Diet: Nutrition & Healthy Food are key components in the Atkins Weight Loss Programs, resulting in natural weight loss through a customized weight.Info on the Atkins Diet to give you a basic understanding about how the diet works, including descriptions of the Atkins phases, food lists, pros and cons.Atkins diet and low carbohydrate diet resources for all low carb diet plans: Research, recipes, information, support forums, tools and tips for all low carb

Atkins Diet News

Oct 14, 2008

Celebrated Member
Joined: 11 Jan 2008
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Bearings: Bakersfield, CA
Mon May 12, 2008 11: 09 pm    Post subject: Dehydration...
Ok, I have severe bronchitis and " tail pneumonia ", whatever that is. I ' m not eating much... no appetite. Plus, too much coughing with food on my stomach makes me really mortal. Have had a fever for the last few days, not " high " but bouncing between 100 and 101.
I ' m trying to drink alot of water, but it ' s just not atom. And I ' m having the same issues with water on my stomach as I am food. Went for bloodwork today and the lady taking it said i ' m too dehyrated.
So... Gatorade is bad, too much sugar. Pedialyte isn ' t much better. I apparently need more than water. What are my other options?
Any assistance is most appreciated...
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Mon May 12, 2008 11: 16 pm    Post subject:
plain water is best as is herbal teas ( the kindness of the tea may help your sore throat from the coughing, too ).
also, remember that food has loads of water in it. fish is about 70 % water and steak is about 50 % water. Even cheese is about 40 % water. So, try and find some food thats easy to digest while you are unwell.... i find grilled white fish very easy on the tum, high protein and nice. you could also try a protein shake. or some low carb yogurt, cottage cheese or whipped cream with berries.
good luck! [ / icon_cool. gif]
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Mon May 12, 2008 11: 36 pm    Post subject:
I forgot, I have caffeine free peppermint tea. Nice! I knew someone could help me here.
Thank you!!!
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Wed May 14, 2008 5: 21 am    Post subject:
When you ' re sick, your body might not respond to the Atkins plan as you would expect. That ' s ok. Take good care of yourself. I hope you are getting lots of rest. When I had a really bad cold, I wasn ' t in ketosis for a few days because of cough drops, but as soon as I felt better, I got back on the plan, got back into ketosis, and have continued to lose weight.
I say that, because I hope you don ' t lose heart if you have a set - back while you ' re sick. It ' s fine, and once you ' re well, you ' ll probably settle back into a steady weight loss.
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Wed May 14, 2008 4: 11 pm    Post subject:
Hi karenjs...
Since I ' ve been sick my appetite has been non - existent, so I ' ve actually lost about 6 pounds since last Thursday. I accept the fact that once I ' m feeling better and start eating more than the once a day I ' ve been forcing myself, I ' ll probably put some of that back on, at the very least.
I ' ve been off work since last Friday. Sleep hasn ' t been going well, lying down makes me cough more. * sigh * But it ' s getting better...
I also know it will take awhile to get back into an exercise routine as I can ' t walk from the couch to the front door without a coughing fit and being out of breath. This one is gonna take awhile to get over!

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