Atkins Diet: Nutrition & Healthy Food are key components in the Atkins Weight Loss Programs, resulting in natural weight loss through a customized weight.Info on the Atkins Diet to give you a basic understanding about how the diet works, including descriptions of the Atkins phases, food lists, pros and cons.Atkins diet and low carbohydrate diet resources for all low carb diet plans: Research, recipes, information, support forums, tools and tips for all low carb

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Oct 14, 2008

Induction day one - Doubts...
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Sat Jul 19, 2008 12: 06 pm    Post subject: Induction day one - Doubts...
I ' m on my first day of induction.
My breakfast was 2 boiled eggs and 60 grams ( + / - 2 oz ) of cheese.
My question is: is it normal to feel really hungry right after breakfast?
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Sat Jul 19, 2008 12: 25 pm    Post subject:
Thats a rather loaded question.
it depends on what you eat normally, but yes in the first day or so you can feel hungry. That happens on any diet, actually. On atkins, you will feel hungry a hell of a lot less than you will feel hungry on any other diet.
Put aside the doubts, trust me. If you actually want to lose weight, this is a diet that works. The others suck.
To put it in perspective, I felt hungry when i started atkins up again after my motorcycle occasion because I went from 12 pieces of bacon and 12 eggs to 2 eggs and a piece of string cheese for breakfast. So yeah, I felt hungry in the morning.
You gotta remember that our feelings are indicators but also can be tricks. The hunger feeling doesn ' t necessarily mean you are starving literally, it could mean your body is going, hey wtf we used to eat a lot more than that, or it could be that your not taking enough water.
Its like pain. People feel pain and they stop what they are doing. This is foolish. Pain does not befall to tell you to stop, it merely exists as an arrow of probable injury being done or already done to the body. You should evaluate the pain and determine with your Cognitive mind whether or not the level of pain indicates durable damage being done, if not, then it is safe to continue, providing you can push through the pain.
The hunger is similar. It will go away, right now it ' s just letting you know that things are not the same way they were yesterday. This was to be expected. If you think atkins makes you hungry... lol.... go on a calorie red-letter diet.
Try to eat 1000 calories a day and you ' ll feel like someone dragged you into a plane, and tossed you out over Somalia with a parachute. The WHO ( world health organizing ) tries to get the Ethopian and Somalian people a diet of 1400 calories a day, 400 more than most calorie main diets will give a person.
Long story short, you ' re fine. Bleed the doubts by reading the forums.
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Sat Jul 19, 2008 1: 00 pm    Post subject:
Thanks for the reply.
I ' ve been reading the forum already and it seems to be ok to be hungry on the first days. Specially because i used to eat cereals or bread with coffee. And carbs saciate you a lot faster ( i read this on the web ).
I was just confused because I think I ate a lot compared to what I used to. I guess...
Thanks again. [ / icon_smile. gif]
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Sat Jul 19, 2008 6: 08 pm    Post subject:
One thing about Atkins diet that I don ' t understand yet is if its ok or not to drink diet sodas. Specially on Induction phase.
I would apreciate if someone could explain this to me...
... ohh, and it ' s about 37º ( + / - 100 F ) exterior and i ' m flushed with this weather. A really cold diet coke would be the sweetest thing right now [ / icon_wink. gif]
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Sat Jul 19, 2008 9: 54 pm    Post subject:
I think diet sodas are ok in soundness but do not drink them in the place of water... make sure you are still drinking a lot of water.
loser lady
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Sun Jul 20, 2008 1: 03 am    Post subject: First Day Blues
Hang in there... My first day was the only one where I had real trouble ( knock wood! ) I was dizzy, I was crazy, I nearly didn ' t make it till lunch but then I was changing from a life of predominantly carb eating! Seriously, by day two the hunger was gone and it didn ' t resurface for weeks. What hunger I do have is real, not those cravings I thought were hunger. Seriously, keep at it, you ' ll be ok.
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Sun Jul 20, 2008 1: 11 am    Post subject:
I just started too. I ' m on day 5 and already, hunger is gone from me. I get hungry when I SHOULD be hungry ( like this morning after 8 hours of sleep and not eating for maybe 5 hours before base ) but not constantly like I was when I was eating high carbs.
If you just stick with the program for a few days and keep your carb totals VERY carefully, you ' ll do fine.
My best suggestion would be to get Weight Commander. It ' s a program that helps you track your weight and dozens of other things on your cruise. It has a carb journal on it that I use to help me keep track where you can make custom buttons that you just click to enter a frequently used food to your daily log and it totals it all up for you. The program is FANTASTIC, free to try and only $10 to register for lasting access, and the guy that made it is REALLY friendly and helpful.
He pushes his online anecdote of the journal now over the download ( because the program is very straightforward, ( but splendiforous! ) ) but you can still buy the downloadable program. If you can ' t find it by googling, you can pm me and I ' ll help you find it. I ' d post it but I can ' t post links yet ( new members can ' t on this forum ).
Good luck!
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Sun Jul 20, 2008 6: 15 am    Post subject:
You can have diet sodas but I would suggest getting some Ketosticks and seeing what the sodas do to you.
Some people can drink em, some people cannot.
Most people will give me a bad look for this but the first time when I lost 100 lbs, I drank like 8 diet mountain dews, 5 to 8 cups of coffee, and about 8 ounces of sugar free jello a day.... and it never stalled me out.
Of course, there was copious gym exercise there as well, so that plays a part.
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Sun Jul 20, 2008 3: 05 pm    Post subject:
Hey guys, thanks for all your advice and support.
But I ' m not doing very well today ( and it ' s only day 2 ). I woke up sick. My stomach is killing me. Until 12: 00 I threw up a lot. Just that. I can ' t eat a thing. i ' m very very nauxious.
I tried to eat at 13: 00 but just managed to swallow 3 cubes of cucumber and 2 very small cubes os cheese. Then I couldn ' t eat more because I felt my stomach getting sick again. Fortunately I haven ' t thrown up since I ate. But my head is killing me. I feel like fainting everytime I get up. It ' s a torture but I ' m really stubborn and i ' m going to stick to it a couple more days to see if ALL this goes away. I ' m thankful to rooibos tea that is soothing my stomach... not much, but...
This was what I ate yesterday:
Breakfast - 2 oz of cheese and 2 boiled eggs.
Lunch - 2 cheese burgers and boiled string beans
Dinner - 4 canned sardines and cucumber salad
Way to much fat for what I used to... and that ' s probably why I feel so sick today. I hope this is it and nothing more serious...
and this is how you ruin a beautiful sunday [ / icon_sad. gif]
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Sun Jul 20, 2008 5: 14 pm    Post subject:
Sounds to me like you might have a flu bug... hope you ' re better soon. I haven ' t heard of anyone actually getting sick ( throwing up ) from starting a low carb diet. Yes, you might feel rotten and nauseous, but not to the point that you can ' t keep food down.
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Sun Jul 20, 2008 5: 30 pm    Post subject:
Yeah the atkins diet is not known for doing this to people, I am very skeptical that consuming fat is making you throw up. It ' s pretty possible that its a combination of being sick plus psychosomatic.
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Mon Jul 21, 2008 7: 53 am    Post subject:
i ' m still extremely nauxious. It ' s overwhelming. I ' ve been reading about it and it might be induction flu.
I have only threw up yesterday... and since then, I have been madly nauxious. I woke up today very hungry and dizzy. Then after breakfast ( which I wasn ' t feeling like eating ), the brutal nausea began... and now, after 2 hours, i ' m still struggling with it.
I don ' t feel like eating at all because of this. But I feel really weak...
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Mon Jul 21, 2008 11: 31 am    Post subject:
Make sure you ' re eating all 20 grams of carb... your menu appears very light on veggies carbs. I don ' t see any cream, olives, avocado, etc either. Snacks will help regulate your blood sugar. Often times the nausea can be helped by drinking more water... but slowly. Take sips all day long. Don ' t down 2 cups at a time. Dehydration ( and low carb makes us release LOTS of water ) will make you weak and feel terrible.
Doing low fat and low carb will make you feel REALLY rotten, too. Are you adding fats to your food??? Was your burger lean and did you drain the fat off? Is the cheese full fat? Oh... and 4 sardines is a SNACK, not dinner. I know you ' re not feeling well, but part of the reason for that is what you ' re not eating.
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Mon Jul 21, 2008 11: 37 am    Post subject:
Yes, I ' m not eating much... But that ' s because I can seem to swallow much... after forcing me to eat something, I feel sick.
Is there a problem if I eat low carbs but low calories as well?
Will I get into ketosis or not?
[ / icon_sad. gif]
P. S.: Yes Tril, the cheese is full fat and the burgers had fat and were fried in olive oil... that ' s probably what got me sick in the first place....
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Mon Jul 21, 2008 12: 01 pm    Post subject:
Fat won ' t make you sick... too few carbs will. Your body is switching from burning glucose to burning fatty acids for energy. While that change is taking place we can feel yucky... no energy, nauseous, headache, etc. There are enzymes needed that your body hasn ' t been producing on a high carb / low fat diet. It takes a few days for those enzyme levels to catch up. The people who feel the worst making the change are the ones who have been eating low fat / high carb the longest.
Is there a problem eating low carb and low calorie... yes. Your body needs a fuel source. Very low calorie anything is not good. It has nothing to do with getting into ketosis. Ketosis is a state in which your body is using ketones ( a by product of lypolysis ) for energy. Ketones are only produced in an absense of carbohydrates / glucose. That ' s why the first phase of a low carb diet is called INDUCTION... you ' re inducing ketosis, the production of ketones in place of the production of glucose.
In order for you to make the " mental switch " from low fat to low carb you ' re going to HAVE to get over your fear of dietary fat. The best way of doing that is to read... read all of the low carb diet books. They all explain the role of fat, carb and protein in our diet. Fat is not the enemy.
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Mon Jul 21, 2008 1: 06 pm    Post subject:
[ / icon_smile. gif]
You ' re right when you say that i must get over the " fear " of fat. You ' re totaly right. I feel guilty every time I eat fat. I will probably get over it.
I just have a big chicken breast and a big salad for lunch ( cucumber, lettuce, onion, 3 slices of tomato and purple cabbage ) and a cheese triangle for dessert [ / icon_wink. gif]
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Mon Jul 21, 2008 2: 31 pm    Post subject:
I hate to be the ass about it but it should go away and I think part of teh reason it ' s not is because your focusing on it with a singlemindedness.
Fat cannot make you throw up.

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